Jpn thousand year door rom
Jpn thousand year door rom

jpn thousand year door rom

jpn thousand year door rom

The calculated growth rate is an average rate that is representative of the available observations over the entire period. No growth rate is calculated if more than half the observations in a period are missing. Least-squares growth rate: the growth rate estimated by fitting a linear regression trend line to the logarithmic annual values of the variable in the relevant period.It does not take into account the intermediate values of the series. This growth rate is based on a model of continuous, exponential growth between two points in time. Exponential growth rate: the growth rate, r, between two points in time calculated from the equation r = ln(pn/p0)/n, where pn and p0 are the last and first observations in the period, n is the number of years in the period range, and ln is the natural logarithm operator.You should be aware that some results may be inappropriate (e.g., growth rates on current price series). Note: The operation will be performed on all selected series. Give a name to your custom function and click Add. To perform mathematical functions on the data over a specified time period, choose the type of operation from the dropdown menu, and then choose your time period. Select an appropriate weight variable (GNI, population, GDP, exports, imports, labor force or land area) from the Weight Indicator box, as shown above. No aggregate is shown if countries with missing data represent more than one third of the total population of your custom group.

jpn thousand year door rom jpn thousand year door rom

Weighted Mean 66POP: Aggregates are calculated as weighted averages of available data for each time period. Select an appropriate weight variable (GNI, population, GDP, exports, imports, labor force or land area) from the Weight Indicator box, as shown above.ġ1. No aggregate is shown if missing data account for more than one third of the observations in the series. Weighted Mean 66: Aggregates are calculated as weighted averages of available data for each time period. Select an appropriate weight variable (GNI, population, GDP, exports, imports, labor force or land area) from the Weight Indicator box, as shown above.ġ0. Weighted Mean: Aggregates are calculated as weighted averages of available data for each time period.

#Jpn thousand year door rom series#

Sums are not shown if more than one third of the observations in the series are missing.ĩ. Sum 66: Aggregates are calculated as the sum of available data for each time period. Sum: Aggregates are calculated as the sum of available data for each time period.Ĩ. Min: Aggregates are set to the lowest available value for each time period.ħ. Values are not computed if more than a third of the observations in the series are missing.Ħ. Median 66: Aggregates are calculated as the median of available data for each time period. Median: Aggregates are calculated as the median of available data for each time period.ĥ. Values are not shown if more than one third of the observations in the series are missing.Ĥ. Mean 66: Aggregates are calculated as the average of available data for each time period. Mean: Aggregates are calculated as the average of available data for each time period.ģ. Max: Aggregates are set to the highest available value for each time period.Ģ.

Jpn thousand year door rom