Helium gas
Helium gas

The main application of ultralow temperature is in the development of the superconductivity state, in which the resistance to the electricity flux is almost zero. Helium is the only cooler which is capable of reaching temperatures lower than 15 K (-434✯). Its biggest potential is found in applications at very low temperatures. The main use of helium is as an inert protection gas in autogenous welding. This application goes on in altitude research and for meteorological balloons.

helium gas

Helium was the first gas used for filling balloons and dirigibles. Helium has many unique properties: low boiling point, low density, low solubility, high thermal conductivity and inertness, so it is use for any application which can explioit these properties. Helium can be liquefied, but its condensation temperature is the lowest among all the known substances. The thermic conductivity and the caloric content are exceptionally high. The density and viscosity of helium vapour are very low. It’s the less reactive element and doesn’t essentially form chemical compounds. It’s less soluble in water than any other gas. Helium is a colourless, odourless, insipid and non-toxic gas.


The main helium source in the world is a series of fields of natural gas in the United States. Helium is one of the noble gases of group O in the periodic table. Gaseous chemical element, symbol: He, atomic number: 2 and atomic weight 4,0026 g/mol. Helium - He Chemical properties of helium - Health effects of helium

helium gas

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  • Helium gas